Today's featured item will help bring home an orphan from Africa. Lora Lynn and her family are selling Hope Suds to help fund their adoption. Go take a look!
Now, let's review the rules of the carnival:
- You can't link to one of your own products. This carnival is about sharing cute things that others make!
- Please don't enter your link in the same Mr. Linky more than once.
- You can link to more than one product in the same post if you want to.
- In your post, you must link to the blog/website of the person whose product you are talking about.
- Please copy and paste this HTML code in your post:
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
It's the URL for my button, so that other people can click on over and join the fun!
Again, please do not link to your own product!
OK, now that you know the ropes, link up to your own posts about someone else's Carfty Creation!