Friday, February 6, 2009

The Lemonade Award

Holly at Seeking Faithfulness gave me the Lemonade Award! Thank you, Holly!

Here is what it's about:

The Lemonade Award recognizes bloggers who are positive, show gratitude, and make the best of things. That is folks who make lemonade out of lemons.

The rules for the award are:

#1 You must link back to the person you received the award from.

#2 You have to pass this award on to ten more blogs, of your choice, which also demonstrate great attitude and/or gratitude!

#3 Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

Well... I don't think I can come up with 10 blogs, so I'm just tagging 3:

Emma at A Bookworm Named Pickle

Hannah at Hannah's World

Lindsey at Exceedingly Abundantly Blessed

In other news, I've decided that even though it's still February, I can't stand a winter-y blog any more, so I'll be giving my blog a remodel. I give you permission to scream about this certain announcement: I'm probably not going to do it myself. I think I'm going to get a free background from somewhere because I don't feel like working on one. Now you may scream.

Also, Reagan has somehow gotten it into her head that it would be fun to walk around all day with no shirt on. Last night she was banned from the table until she put on a shirt. No shirt, no shoes, no service! Except in this case, it's OK to have no shoes.

This morning, when she was told to PUT HER SHIRT ON, FOR PETE'S SAKE, she replied, "Well, I not goin' outside, so I OK with no shirt."

She's wearing a shirt now.

Cameron's birthday is in 4 days, so we're going to Wal-Mart tonight to get her presents. I'm getting her a betta. I got her one for her last birthday, and she LOVED him, but he died after a few months because she forgot to de-chlorinate the water once when she was changing it. I saw a REALLY pretty one the other day. It was purple, and I think it was a half-moon betta instead of a normal one. I hope he's still there!


Nikki said...

I like your new look. It's so nice and springy. Congrats on your lemonade award- you definitely deserve it.

And I've never heard of a half-moon betta-- sounds beautiful! I hope it's still there too for you to get.

Hannah said...

Thank you so much for the award! I'll put it on the side right now. Oh, and I'm nominating you!

(P.S. I love your blog!)

Jen said...

Love the new look! Post a picture of the halfmoon betta so I can see what one looks like! Aunt Jennifer