Yesterday, 4 of my little sisters were playing outside. They played for awhile, and then I heard Cameron say, "Come on! It's time to back to... ummm... ALABAMA!"
Once, Adrienne said to Mymomconnie, "Let's pretend that I am a child and you are my mother."
A few days ago, Reagan said to Mymomconnie, "Someone's mad at you!"
"Who?" said Mymomconne.
"Bad Girl! Hahahahhehehehehohohoho!"
hi! congrats on your nwe blog! i might get something called facebook that is kind of like a blog. those sayings are funny. bye!
Hi there! I've tagged you for a "meme." Do you know what those are? Mine asks you to list your favorite 7 songs this summer. Then you can tag some other people to list theirs.
It's all for fun. Do it if you want. Here's my post:
I am an oldest child, a 15 year old big sister to 1 brother and 6 sisters. I am homeschooled and have several aquariums and a ton of fish. I take power tumbling gymnastics and I love it! You could call our family nutty... and you'd probably be right! Free Horse Genetics Game
Hunt and Jump, Inc. is a really cool horse game that actually works with horse genetics! The best part is that it is totally free! Give it a try!
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hi! congrats on your nwe blog! i might get something called facebook that is kind of like a blog. those sayings are funny. bye!
So cute! My favorite is the one, "Let's pretend I'm a child and you are my mother." LOL
Hi there! I've tagged you for a "meme." Do you know what those are? Mine asks you to list your favorite 7 songs this summer. Then you can tag some other people to list theirs.
It's all for fun. Do it if you want. Here's my post:
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